Mentre esperem la data oficial de tall, us informo que el C.C.A.A. ha emes un comunicat a la seva pàgina web explicant per que es tarda tant en assignar una criatura :
“Recently, there are many speculations on the waiting time period for adoption process for inter-country adoption coming to China to adopt children. The following will help clarify such concerns:
CCAA highly emphasizes on efficiency, effectiveness and quality, we have put unremitting effort to achieve this. But the length of processing time after adoptive family apply for their application is correlated with the number of inter-country adopting families and the number with the adopting children waiting to be adopted. If the number of adoptive families is higher than the number of children to be adopted, the waiting period will be extended, on the other hand, if the number of children waiting for adoption out numbers the number of adoptive families, then the waiting period will be shortened. Therefore, the waiting period for adoptive families will vary according to this and not due to inefficiency or other controlling factors.”
Perdoneu la meva traducció però el text ve a dir alguna cosa semblant a :
“Recently, there are many speculations on the waiting time period for adoption process for inter-country adoption coming to China to adopt children. The following will help clarify such concerns:
CCAA highly emphasizes on efficiency, effectiveness and quality, we have put unremitting effort to achieve this. But the length of processing time after adoptive family apply for their application is correlated with the number of inter-country adopting families and the number with the adopting children waiting to be adopted. If the number of adoptive families is higher than the number of children to be adopted, the waiting period will be extended, on the other hand, if the number of children waiting for adoption out numbers the number of adoptive families, then the waiting period will be shortened. Therefore, the waiting period for adoptive families will vary according to this and not due to inefficiency or other controlling factors.”
Perdoneu la meva traducció però el text ve a dir alguna cosa semblant a :
“Recentment han hagut moltes especulacions sobre el tems d’espera del procés d’adopció internacional de nens procedents de China. El següent text vol ajudar y clarificar les preocupacions:
El CCAA ha accentuat molt la eficiència, eficàcia i qualitat, hem fet un esforç ininterromput per aconseguir això.
Però la longitud del temps de procés de l’adopció es correlatiu amb el nombre de famílies adoptants de dintre del país y el nombre del nens esperant per ser adoptats. Si el nombre de famílies adoptives es mes gran que els nens adoptables, el període d’espera s’allargarà, per altra banda , si el nombre de nens adoptables supera el de las famílies adoptants baixarà.
Per tant , el període d’espera variarà d’acord amb això i no es degut a la ineficiència o degut a altres factors de control.”
Queda un dia menys!!!!
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